Bea Media Company S.r.l.
Viale Francesco Restelli 1, 20124 Milano
Piazza di S. Bernardo, 106, 00187 Roma
P. IVA 11562050960 - SDI T9K4ZHO

Intesa Sanpaolo

Cortina, sustainable beauty

A coffee table book dedicated to Cortina: a journey through pages that speak of beauty and authenticity.

gif magazine pages
Content production

Design of a limited edition volume, a book that is sustainable in form and substance.


Banking and financial services sector

  • Graphic design
  • Content production
  • Photo reportage
  • Printed magazine

Cortina Academy
Josè Limbert

The challenge

Creating a book dedicated to Cortina, meeting the requirements of exclusivity and sustainability, to tell the story of its timeless beauty and its commitment to preserving it. Identifying a novel editorial slant, to direct the production of textual and photographic content.

The solution

We created an editorial product that structurally reflects exclusivity and sustainability in every aspect: content, material, photographic choice and packaging. On-site interviews and photo reports brought the content to life, paginated according to refined and sophisticated graphics that build a collectible object.

For the papers, Shiro Eco was chosen, strictly 100% recycled and at the same time of high quality. Finally, a personalized packaging with an olfactory bookmark.

A quality also confirmed by the photographic contributions of Alberto Bregani and the preface edited by an author of the caliber of Federico Taddia.

internal pages
view from the dashboard
inside pages
inside pages
people on the bench
inside pages
inside pages
donkey photo
man from behind
inside pages
page detail
van and mountains
inside pages
inside pages
Next Project
Metropolitan 4 - Webuild

Web series “Milan Legends”

Every city has its urban legends. The Milanese ones cross witches, ghosts and even the new M4 line.